Saturday, July 25, 2009
Bruce Song of the Day
Bruce Springsteen is far and away my favorite musical artist. I tend to appreciate him for both subjective and objective reasons. Objective: Close to 40 years of pushing the envelope. Subjective: Jersey, baby. Stone Pony and Belmar, the shore I love through location alone. Only beach I've been to that ya gotta pay to get on. BSOTD: My City of Ruins. 'Come on rise, up. Come on rise, up.'
The Splendid Splinter (B/C as a rook he was real thin)
25 days since my last post, I have no illusions about this becoming a regular destination for readers of blogs or those who want consistent, insightful analysis of the 3 worlds in which my blog title portends to cover. However, it is a very therapeutic venue for me to occasionally talk a bit about three of my favorite subjects. Like maybe say, HBO.
HBO has recently premiered a fantastic documentary on Ted Williams, entitled, wait for it...'Ted Williams'. The network sticks to their consistent format w/ docs, adhering to the Liev Schreiber as narrator, expository type of storytelling. It works to tremendous effect. Williams is a man I've admired since I tried to imitate his batting stance at age 8. Age 22, I'm rambling about not only his greatness, but also how tterifically and objectively HBO captured it. It's obvious I'm sure, but. My imitation didn't work.
HBO has recently premiered a fantastic documentary on Ted Williams, entitled, wait for it...'Ted Williams'. The network sticks to their consistent format w/ docs, adhering to the Liev Schreiber as narrator, expository type of storytelling. It works to tremendous effect. Williams is a man I've admired since I tried to imitate his batting stance at age 8. Age 22, I'm rambling about not only his greatness, but also how tterifically and objectively HBO captured it. It's obvious I'm sure, but. My imitation didn't work.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
NBA Free Agency, DeRosa
We're approaching the end of the first 24 hours of NBA free agency and I love it. What a great job, where are the end of their deals guys can just wonder where they'll work next year. They all know they're getting amazing jobs: just a matter of where. First one to find a definite new home is Ben Gordon.
For the bargain basement price of $55 million over five years, Detroit gets to enjoy a really terrific shooting guard. Being a natural fan of the grass on the other side, my first thought is to wonder about how much closer the Pistons would be to 2004 had they created an A.I. & Ben Gordon back court. But A.I is on the way out, as is Rasheed Wallace. Whatever team lands Wallace will be better off than the one losing him. That makes me feel like we're going to see a similar Detroit team next year as we did this year.
Even with the rebuilding phase, Gordon's going to a good team in Detroit. Chicago's on the ball too, but it's always exciting for a player to join a competitive franchise. Mark DeRosa (right)
was given a gift from the baseball Gods by getting dealt from Cleveland to St. Lou. Not 76 hours after he arrives at Busch Stadium he's getting x-rays on his wrist. He says he hurt it swinging and missing - don't know how long he'll be sidelined as he's currently day-to-day. But the Cards are beak deep in a pennant race and DeRosa was brought in to fill the gap Troy Glaus has left by being on the DL. Getting hurt immediately after joining the team is frustrating for DeRosa, but the timing makes it that much worse for his teammates.
BSOTD: Jungleland

Even with the rebuilding phase, Gordon's going to a good team in Detroit. Chicago's on the ball too, but it's always exciting for a player to join a competitive franchise. Mark DeRosa (right)

BSOTD: Jungleland
Monday, June 22, 2009
Iran Coverage
I've been glued to CNN Newsroom lately following coverage of the election protests in Tehran, Iran. Just a big picture comment -- the past 12 months or so have been so historically significant. For the first time in my 22 years I started to realize I was witnessing history, and I never really felt that way about much in my lifetime. Domestically we see an African-American President; abroad, we see protests in Iran that are comparable to the draft-card burning that happened during the Vietnam era in the U.S. Muslim women are in the streets voicing an opinion that's contrary to the official government stance. They're being beaten and abused, but they're still out there. I'm not entirely sure how this will end up, although I have my suspicions. Still, with the thorough coverage on Newsroom, it's been historic to see such expression in a conservative area.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Cups, Sox on a Tear
Big news week, big sports week. Stanley Cup & Calder Cup decided on one night. The Hershey Bears have won their 10th Calder Cup title. How does ANY minor league team take home that many titles?
Normally the turnover is so quick in the minors that no team can maintain that level of success. It's an impressive accomplishment.
It was obvious that the Penguins were going to win a Stanley Cup at some point - but this year!? I'm sorry, city of Detroit. Maybe Mayor Dave Bing can put on a one man show, b/c that city needs a shot in the arm and I thought the Wings would deliver.
Marian Hossa went to the Wings so he could have a better shot at winning the Cup. It was a one year contract but I hope he gets another deal in Detroit. They can win it next year - rubber match anyone?
With the Lakers well in control of Orlando, this was a welcome diversion that offered some real competition.

So these guys have been on an absolute tear lately. Eight wins against the Yankees this eyar, get the brooms. But this meek-looking millionaire
had better cool it with ripping Mark Texeira. He's 'Tweeted' about Tex. Since his start-up years with Texas Texeira has been a class act. No need going after him because you didn't want to offer him more $$ than another team. Besides, the number one reason why John Henry needs to ease off the trash talking is that it isn't like the Yankees ever had a verbose, obnoxious, overly opinionated owner who uses his mouth to get himself in hot water. I can't think of-a one. Look at the Yankees recent steward and take a lesson, Henry. When it comes to trash talking, less is more.
BSOTD: What else? John Henry

It was obvious that the Penguins were going to win a Stanley Cup at some point - but this year!? I'm sorry, city of Detroit. Maybe Mayor Dave Bing can put on a one man show, b/c that city needs a shot in the arm and I thought the Wings would deliver.
Marian Hossa went to the Wings so he could have a better shot at winning the Cup. It was a one year contract but I hope he gets another deal in Detroit. They can win it next year - rubber match anyone?
With the Lakers well in control of Orlando, this was a welcome diversion that offered some real competition.

So these guys have been on an absolute tear lately. Eight wins against the Yankees this eyar, get the brooms. But this meek-looking millionaire

BSOTD: What else? John Henry
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Well, welcome to June. Stanley Cup and NBA Finals on the same night. I'm sure the NBA smoked hockey tonight. They're on a network (ABC) for one, whereas hockey is on cable (Versus). That and the NBA is boasting Kobe and the sweet 'Amazing Happens' ad campaign. Hockey's got...Osgood and Octopi? The latter I can get at Legal Sea Foods and the former let up 4 goals tonight. As much as the Cup can't compete with the NBA for most American sports fans, there's still something about it I find really compelling.
<------- That guy right there? Still the coolest trophy in sports. And the match-up is great. Second year in a row that Pittsburgh takes on Detroit, it's become an almost historic match -- especially if the Pens even the series this year with a Stanley Cup win. But in the meanwhile it's fun to see the home team win each of the first two wins. It feels like a torch passing type of series this year if the Pens take it. Even if Zetterberg's only 28 and Marian Hossa 30, the energy feels like it's with the Pens. If Malkin and Crosby win it this year it most certainly won't be their last.
BSOTD: Lost in the Flood

BSOTD: Lost in the Flood
Friday, May 15, 2009
I was tipped off by a friend that a package store in Ithaca sold individual beers that could be combined into one mixed six-pack. So instead of this:
you can mix and match for something similar to this result:
. What an amazing idea! It was a little pricey for me, coming to about $13.50 for the sixer. The novelty is worth it though, at least once. For a beer lover I'm not sure if there's anything better than bouncing from one kind 'n country to another. Because of a lengthy trip to China last summer I avoided the Tsingtao, but it was quite the globetrotting experience. Singha from Thailand, Marathon from Greece and Palma Louca of Brazil: it's no wonder I lost to a pregnant lady in the last 10k I ran.

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Cornell Lax
About a month back I produced a package for ESPNU about Cornell lacrosse and their shot at a national title. It isn't the Super Bowl, but their program is among the national powers. One key element is midfielder Max Seibald. Link to the package on Seibald is below. Cornell takes on Hofstra in the first round of the tourney in about two hours.
BSOTD: Cover Me
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Anderson Tweets
I figured out the purpose of Twitter. For my money it's a tech fad; may not disappear but I'll bet it evolves into more than what it is now because I can't figure out what kind of purpose it serves. That is, except to follow Anderson Cooper. It isn't news that this guy is a reporter's reporter, but to me Twitter has been most relevant for chipping away the divide between the news personalities, and the public that consumes their work.
I remember reading Cooper's memoir 'Dispatches From the Edge.' He talked about graduation. As a graduating senior I can relate to the confusion he felt when he was leaving Yale. God knows I ain't leaving Yale, but I'm likewise amazed at the path he took. You don't need any Ivy League education to become a war correspondent but that's what he did. Man takes a camera and heads to the most dangerous corners of the earth without a job. Worked his way into news the hardest possible way.
If some ridiculous website with no real obvious purpose gets me closer to figuring how this guy operates and how he puts together the type of show that serves the public the way it does, then it's okay with me. Found out what the hell Twitter is useful for. Check that one off.
Partly Sunny, Bruce
To anyone in the central NY area, it's a pretty momentous day for me. I'm actually a little bummed that athlete (when batting) and comedian (when fielding) Manny Ramirez won't be on hand for the next 50 games to entertain. I like seeing a classic ball club like the Dodgers do well and this is going to hurt. However, PLEASE let there be a clause in his contract that docks him 50 days pay. If there is a God at University of the Pacific's McGeorge School of Law, Scott Boras will have not gotten a clause that guarantees full pay if Manny's pinched with a PED.

That's not why it's momentous though. It's because I'm mere hours from a couple of growlers of Partly Sunny. Talk about a summer brew, this thing is just about motivational, it's so refreshing. It's got a clean, easy finish and bites with just the right amount of citrus to it. Great combination for a hot day. It's May and CNY still doesn't have the sun, so. Whatever. Still a great beer and I'm excited to get it.
Missed a BSOTD yesterday so today something a little different. Off Born in the USA play:
No Surrender
Bobby Jean
I'm Goin' Down
in that order. It may be the best three Bruce songs when played in a row. You'll see God. He'll tell ya to keep listening.
Manny Being Manny

I'm not surprised that he got caught with a PED. What surprises me is that he got caught NOW. This is the crackdown era. Was it really medication as claimed? Well let's see Manny. Your salary is just under the entire 2007 budget for the New York Legal Aid Society. Your pay is commensurate to a team of lawyers. That's okay. We know why athletes make so much and we're capitalists: they're paid only what the market will bear.
But, if you're worth more than a pivotal part of the U.S. criminal defense system, maybe you'd be smart enough to pay a doctor. Have this doctor take the banned substances list. Have him take a list of ingredients in your medicine. And goddamn compare them!!!! You're a Hall of Famer, an unmitigated success, as happy as you'll ever be in LA. Use your head.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
El Terrible
Please don't construe this as ridiculously racist, I mean this in the absolute most benign of ways. But it's still Cinco de Mayo for another couple of minutes and I want to take this time to highlight my all-time favorite Mexican athlete: Erik Morales. Ended his boxing career in 2007 as a lightweight, but started it punching like a middleweight at 123-pounds. I don't know where he got his ridiculous power from, but it didn't take away from his speed or his ability to absorb, and push ably through punishment.
He looked old in his last four fights, all ending in a loss. But even at 30, a time when he should have been in his prime, he was all but washed up. That's what happens when a guy starts fighting professionally at 16! Zahir Raheem turned out to be faster and Manny Pacquiao was just getting into his prime when 'El Terrible' was leaving his. But to me the most indicative moment of Morales's career was in 2005 when he first fought Pacquiao. On short notice he went in with a younger, faster opponent and made him look just silly. He smacked him around for 12 rounds, firing away with combinations at that 'underdog' status he had going into the bout.
I had no idea at the time that that would be it for Morales. It was a competitive fight, but one that Morales completely overperformed in because he was that much a professional. He ended his career looking overmatched and under motivated. But on that night for my money, he was as good as he ever was.
E-Readers and Newsprint
Interesting article on recently, more specifically the one linked below.
The piece deals with e-readers like the Kindle, where people (commuters especially) can access books on a larger digital device. I don't own one, but I'm skeptical about what they mean for newspapers. I can see the benefit of getting a digital copy of a magazine, laid out with large "print," and being able to archive it all on one device. But reading a newspaper on a digital platform seems like as much a hassle as, well, newspapers.
In terms of commuting I like to toss my quarters into a change cup next to the register at a train station and be on my way. The paper has a shelf life of an hour and when I no longer want to carry it, I don't have to. The e-reader is portable, but bigger. It offers a better quality 'print' than say, a smaller device like an iPhone. But isn't the rub with the iPhone that, in addition to being multipurpose, it's smaller?
Smaller used to be a good thing as a matter of convenience, but now bigger is better for reading. Is bigger THAT much better for print that we need an electronic device for internet/phone/music/video and a separate one for reading? at that point we're carrying as much as we did when we had a brick Motorola cell and a Wall Street Journal.
Brett Favre! Oh no not Favre! Let's Not Stop Talking About it! is the go-to site for sports news and it absolutely should be. They update constantly, they have a slew of experienced reporters and columnists on staff, they recently started a large blog network and the video that came with their recent redesign is some of the best quality on the internet.
My complaint is unrelated to any of this -- it's that I saw a headline today about Brett Favre possibly coming back, this time with the Vikings. ESPN, like the other outlets that report this, are just doing their jobs.
I however, will be ignoring any and every Brett Favre story until he's back on the field and doing something that is newsworthy. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a third time, I'm done paying attention to you, Brett Favre. He proved last year that, while generally adequate, he's not a playmaking game changer anymore who can turn a team right around. He was a Band-Aid for a Jets team that needed one and little else. Favre to Minnesota? Woohoo what's next? Brad Johnson to Carolina? I'll care when there's a reason to.
BSOTD: Turn! Turn! Turn! (live w/ Roger McGuinn of The Birds...Not the movie. Or actual birds)
Monday, May 4, 2009
James is King
Dwyane Wade -- 30 PPG, 7.5 AST, 5 REB, 49% FG, 2 STL, 1 BLK
LeBron James -- 28 PPG, 7.2 AST, 7.6 REB, 49% FG, 1.7 STL, 1 BLK
It's more than just a numbers game, but these cats are remarkably similar. Arguments can be made for both guys - the Cavs are worse w/o LeBron than the Heat would be w/o Wade, etc. Bottom line is this is my kind of decision to have to make for MVP, albeit not a very exciting one: either pick is a winner.
Give it to James for being more consistently dominant over the past couple years and don't fret. Because health permitting we're going to be seeing these numbers from D-Wade for a long time coming. He's smack in the middle of his prime and LeBron has been in his since what, his second year in the league? Depending on where these two go (or stay) in 2010, maybe we can even see a little rivalry start to develop.
Kobe is always noted as LeBron's west coast counterpart, but he's tucked away in LA. The Cavs and Heath play, and with Wade healthy again I'm looking forward to those games looking more competitive between the best two players in the conference.
Who do you think should have won this year's MVP award?
Boxers vs. MMA Fighters
There's always the debate about boxers taking on MMA fighters and vice versa. To me it boils down to the fact that Roger Federer could beat Robert 'Tractor' Traylor in a tennis match but Tractor could beat him in say, speed eating: two totally different things. Manny Pacquiao would beat a lot of MMA fighters in an MMA match if he trained properly for it and learned what he had to learn. He wouldn't beat the best ones though, and the best MMA fighters would, could and shall not beat him in a boxing match. There have been great MMA fighters who have boxed, best example for me being Jens Pulver. This is especially good because he fought at welterweight (147) where Pacquiao has won before, and will presumably go if he beats Mayweather.
In 2004 Jens went 4-0 in boxing and it was clear he was no world-beater. He used a separate trainer from his MMA one for boxing, he focused solely on his hands for a time and he started by taking on equally inexperienced boxers. This is how boxing is done. I give him endless credit for doing it right. He got about 100-bucks a round and told me at the time that he loved every minute of it.
There are many more ways to lose in MMA than there are in boxing, so a guy like Brock Lesnar can come in as a neophyte and have some success in MMA. However, boxing is only one aspect of MMA: thinking that an MMA fighter's hands would be good enough, based on his MMA record, to tangle with someone like Pacquiao is a mistake.
BSOTD: Working on a Dream
Bruce Springsteen,
Jens Pulver,
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Bruce and Beer Music
Bruce's fatal flaw so far, to me, is that he doesn't have one particularly good drinking song. The man can valiantly pull off civil rights hymns but can't seem to really nail that brethren-driven drinking tune. He probably just doesn't want to yet. Closest to it? 'The Promised Land?' Maybe 'Land of Hope and Dreams?'Whatever it is I'm looking for it. The real best one though so far though, and today's...
BSOTD: My Oklahoma Home
Friday, May 1, 2009
Hatton vs. Pacquiao
As his fans like to yell during fights, there's only one Ricky Hatton. And he will get his ass kicked this weekend. I've loved watching Hatton fight since he made Kostya Tszyu look old overnight back in 2005. He took him down and Tszyu never fought again. He's a lunch pail kind of fighter who packs a helluva hard right hand and is always in good condition. He talks very little trash and when he does it's often of the charismatic, instead of malicious kind. That said, Manny Pacquiao is going to dismantle him the way Floyd Mayweather did. Hatton is always in a fight because as noted, he will be in very good condition and has now seen that type of speed in a fight.
Still, Pacquiao will get the job done. He has been shockingly consistent since his last loss, to Erik Morales three months prior to Hatton's crowning bout with Tszyu. I will say this though: he's fought professionally since age 17. The careers of guys who do that can often just tailspin because the years of abuse catch up and hit a guy harder than any opponent can. Pacquiao enjoyed watching that happen to Morales, avenging that loss twice over. Eventually (almost) everyone falls and who will be the one to topple Pacquiao? I think Hatton will lose. But if I'm betting against Manny, he's the guy I want to be in the ring with him.
For my money Sam Adam's Summer Ale is the best summer drink this side of lemonade. It's advertised as being brewed with 'Grains of Paradise.' I dunno what the hell that means, but the beer is good. I'm equally excited to try Blue Moon's summer ale 'Honey Moon.' At Wegman's, the greatest supermarket ever, they have Blue Moon's summer and winter ale sitting side by side on a shelf. If I were to judge what time of year it was based on beer selection, I guess I'd think it were spring.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Boss is a Slugger!
Just saw this now off of the LoHud Yankees blog. What a great sound byte and good find by the guys at LoHud.
The Boss is a slugger.
Hulu, Bruins & Stroh's
Disney announced today that they're throwing a stake into Hulu is downright awesome and has been able to grow pretty rapidly in online video. YouTube gets monthly hit numbers in the nine figures but there's a potentially much shorter time commitment in visiting YouTube so it isn't necessarily surprising. For instance check out these viral spot for the Boston Bruins. They're hilarious, they get the job done and there are no ads. Hulu has monetized quickly but YouTube has definitely got advantages. (this one MAY Have Ron Jeremy in it)
Related to the Bruins, they're a team that knows the importance of a good website. The front page of is easy to navigate and has archived webisodes of 'WebCam' a brief pulpit for Cam Neely to analyze w/o having to bear any 'Who's the dead man that hit me with the salt!?' comments.
I suppose it's just a sign of the times that there aren't any bitter, rotgut, $8.00 racks of beer around anymore, at least in central NY. I just bought something called Stroh's. It was a $14 rack that tastes like it should be a $9 one. At first taste it's got a good carbonated bite. Bred and coming of age on cheap American lager, that's up my alley. But it finishes a little too bitter and this is coming from a guy who's first question at a bar is 'Where's the tap and does it have PBR?' Stroh's Brewery, since 1775. Maybe the case I got was brewed then. I'd buy something different but what am I going to do buy Stella? The 20-something's lament, at least until after law school.
Bulls win tonight at home. That series has had 7 games written all over it since day 1. If Atlanta can take the future champs to 7 last year WITH Garnett, this Chicago team had better be able to do it without. Not sound logic but I like the way it sounds.
Magic could have closed out the Sixers tonight had Dwight Howard not tossed an elbow at Sam Dalembert in game 5. Looked like a real heat of the moment thing but the NBA did the right thing in suspending him. The dude is a brick house, guys shouldn't have to be worrying about him throwing down.
Besides Yao, Louis Scola is the leading scorer for Houston in this series. He plays well tonight and Houston sees round 2.
Bruce Song of the Day (BSOTD): Walk Like a Man
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A Note on beer...
I'm not a fan of promotions or drinks where an alien beverage enters the beer. Car Bombs are the exception I suppose, b/c I don't want to be the guy named 'Callahan' who rips on a Pat's Day tradition. Nonetheless, a bar in Ithaca has a deal where you buy about 8 oz. of liquor and toss it into a pitcher. Flagrant foul.
A Note on sports...
For my money (and I have none) the Blazers now may be what the Cavs were three years ago. In a different sense, b/c they're not a team on one man's back. However, they showed a lot this season beyond just being a Brandon Roy-team. If their season ends tonight (anticipatory 4/30) I'm excited to see them next year.
A Note on media...
Twitter Update: Still don't know what it's useful for.
It Was Inevitable
First post of my capitulation to start a blog. There's a ton going on out there so I figure why not? Why shouldn't I share my statewide search for a beer called 'Bud Dry?' Anheuser-Busch stopped advertising it in '94, but I it's out there somewhere. Speaking of '94, why shouldn't I be able to vent about the NY Rangers breaking hearts like they're the Cubs, or the Bulls giving me hope that the Celtics won't re, three, or eight-peat? Well, no reason. So I guess I shall.
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