Disney announced today that they're throwing a stake into Hulu.com. Hulu is downright awesome and has been able to grow pretty rapidly in online video. YouTube gets monthly hit numbers in the nine figures but there's a potentially much shorter time commitment in visiting YouTube so it isn't necessarily surprising. For instance check out these viral spot for the Boston Bruins. They're hilarious, they get the job done and there are no ads. Hulu has monetized quickly but YouTube has definitely got advantages.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrg7bRS4A4g&feature=related (this one MAY Have Ron Jeremy in it)
Related to the Bruins, they're a team that knows the importance of a good website. The front page of BruinsTV.com is easy to navigate and has archived webisodes of 'WebCam' a brief pulpit for Cam Neely to analyze w/o having to bear any 'Who's the dead man that hit me with the salt!?' comments.
I suppose it's just a sign of the times that there aren't any bitter, rotgut, $8.00 racks of beer around anymore, at least in central NY. I just bought something called Stroh's. It was a $14 rack that tastes like it should be a $9 one. At first taste it's got a good carbonated bite. Bred and coming of age on cheap American lager, that's up my alley. But it finishes a little too bitter and this is coming from a guy who's first question at a bar is 'Where's the tap and does it have PBR?' Stroh's Brewery, since 1775. Maybe the case I got was brewed then. I'd buy something different but what am I going to do buy Stella? The 20-something's lament, at least until after law school.