Friday, May 15, 2009


I was tipped off by a friend that a package store in Ithaca sold individual beers that could be combined into one mixed six-pack. So instead of this: you can mix and match for something similar to this result: . What an amazing idea! It was a little pricey for me, coming to about $13.50 for the sixer. The novelty is worth it though, at least once. For a beer lover I'm not sure if there's anything better than bouncing from one kind 'n country to another. Because of a lengthy trip to China last summer I avoided the Tsingtao, but it was quite the globetrotting experience. Singha from Thailand, Marathon from Greece and Palma Louca of Brazil: it's no wonder I lost to a pregnant lady in the last 10k  I ran. 


  1. no tsing tao?
    ah, but think of all the good times we had with it!

  2. Interesting that in LA, all you drank was tsing tao yet in China, you avoided it.
